
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses such as bending over, or coughing can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly occur in the hip, wrist, or spine. The inside of a bone looks something like a honeycomb. When someone has osteoporosis, the bone, which forms the “walls” of the honeycomb, get smaller, and the spaces between the bone grow larger. The outer shell of the bone also gets thinner. All of this makes a bone weaker.

Osteoporosis affects men and women of all races. But white and Asian women, especially older women who are past menopause, are at highest risk. 

Research indicates that a diet including ValAsta would lower the risk and possibly prevent osteoporosis by eliminating free radicals causing bone aging.

Astaxanthin attenuates irradiation-induced osteoporosis in mice by inhibiting oxidative stress, osteocyte senescence, and SASP - Food & Function (RSC Publishing)

The study demonstrated that astaxanthin had preventative effects against osteoporosis in mice. The underlying mechanisms may involve inhibiting oxidative stress and preventing osteocyte aging. Therefore, results provide new insights into the regulation of osteoporosis and suggest a novel strategy for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
      Read NIH | Assorted Scientific Research

      Is Astaxanthin Safe?

      The safety of astaxanthin administered orally was assessed in a medical trial undertaken in healthy adults. Volunteers were administered astaxanthin or placebo for eight-weeks. The authors concluded that healthy adults could safely consume natural astaxanthin.

      In another study, high concentrations of astaxanthin were tested with blood taken from volunteers, 8 of whom were taking aspirin and 12 who were not. Even medical grade concentrations of astaxanthin had no adverse effects.

      No significant side effects have been reported so far in published human studies in which astaxanthin was administered to humans.

      Are There Any Side Effects?

      • Astaxanthin has been classified as a generally safe supplement in the USA.
      • ValAsta is 100% natural and has no serious side effects.
      • The only side effects we have observed are a slightly reddish stool and in rare cases some stomach discomfort.

      Benefits of ValAsta

      • The only Patented astaxanthin for treatment of diseases.
      • The world’s strongest natural anti-inflammatory.
      • The world’s strongest natural antioxidant.
      • 6000 x stronger than vitamin C
      • Used to reduce chronic inflammation.
      • Used as an anti-ageing supplement.
      • Used as a health & fitness supplement.
      • Protects health at a cellular level.
      • Neutralized free radicals or ROS.